Helpful Tips for Managing Your Dental Anxiety

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you are certainly not alone! Dental anxiety is way more common in people than not. Drs. Plant and Tour certainly do everything they can to make sure all of their clients and patients feel at complete ease during their appointments and procedures.

At Limoges Dental Centre, managing your dental anxiety is one of our top priorities and avoiding your appointments due to your anxiety is certainly a thing of the past. Drs Plant and Tour continuously keep up with the evolving technology in the dental industry.

At Limoges, Drs. Plant and Tour offer two types of “sedation dentistry’’ options to their patients. 

Managing Your Dental Anxiety with Oral Sedation

Oral Sedation  is the better option for patients with a milder level of dental anxiety. This involves a mild sedative prescribed to ease feelings of fear and anxiety to ensure treatments are completed in an anxious-free space. There will be post-operative information discussed between the patient and their dentist due to the effects of this sedation. It is also mandatory that someone is prepared to drive the patient home after their appointment.

Managing Your Dental Anxiety with Inhalation Sedation

Inhalation Sedation is also known as “Laughing Gas” by most. Nitrous oxide is breathed through a nosepiece and is common in the industry. It allows patients to feel completely relaxed, but still aware of their surroundings. With this option there are no long lasting effects so you will be able to drive yourself home after your appointment.

Aside from these two options, we also have a few helpful tips and suggestions to share with you for managing dental anxiety

  1. If you are feeling tense or anxious, be sure to express that to Drs. Plant and Tour and their staff. With this information, your dentist will make the necessary adjustments to make your appointment much more pleasant for you.
  2. Be sure to breathe! Anxious or nervous people tend to hold their breath and can increase levels of panic. Let the staff know and concentrate on your breathing.
  3. Sometimes patients feel anxious when they hear sounds of the dental tools. So feel free to bring in your headphones and music to drown out all of those sounds.
  4. Watch what you eat and drink before you come into your appointment. Avoid caffeine and sugary foods that can actually heighten your anxiety.
  5. Communicate with your dentist before the procedure begins of some hand gestures to indicate if you are feeling uncomfortable and need your dentist to stop for a minute.
  6. Give yourself lots of time to get to your appointments so you don’t feel rushed. 

Managing Your Dental Anxiety at Limoges Dental Centre

Drs. Plant and Tour want to make sure all of their patients feel at ease during their appointments. If you are feeling anxious about your next appointment, be sure to bring it to their attention and they will be happy to discuss your options moving forward. Fill out our form or give us a call today to book your appointment and we’ll make sure it is a positive experience.


Tél: (613) 482-8118 Fax: 613-686-6325

lun - jeu 8h00 - 16h30
mer 11h00 - 19h00
ven 9h00 - 15h00
*Early mornings and evening appointments available

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